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Register for Mosaic Capture Day 2020

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Sign up for Mosaic Project WA 2020!

On Sunday 6 December 2020, Propel once again invites you to join us in documenting 24 hours of life in Western Australia from your perspective.

Every year, hundreds of people across WA simultaneously step behind their cameras to capture and submit an image from their day to Mosaic, a community-driven photography project and exhibition.

We're asking anyone and everyone in WA to set aside a couple of minutes on Sunday 6 December, to capture part of their day on camera. Use your phone, a DSLR, a film camera, a point and shoot, Instagram, a tablet - whatever you have at your disposal!

After registering, and during the lead-up to Capture Day, we'll send you the upload link. You'll have a week after Sunday 6 December to upload your image and have it displayed in a professional exhibition, alongside other contributions from all walks of life in WA. It's that easy!

Keen? You have until midnight Saturday 5 December to register!

Fill in your details to receive updates and reminders about this special event. Any questions? Email or call Propel on (08) 9328 5855.

5 December

Highs and Lows x Propel Youth Arts WA

6 December

Beauty in the Mundane with Ria Maglinao