Video Uploads

KickstART Virtual

Throughout the week of KickstART Virtual, we will be uploading videos from young and emerging artists to Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. These videos will also be made available on this website after the festival.

From a unique welcome to country delivered by Dr. Richard Walley OAM, to workshops on creativity from artists such as STAV. and Genevieve Burke, to theme introductions for each day of KickstART Virtual, we’re so excited to share all this and more with you during this time of isolation and uncertainty.

Please enjoy and share these videos far and wide, they are for everybody!

KickstART Virtual Schedule

KickstART Virtual Schedule

Further information

KickstART Virtual is presented by Propel Youth Arts WA and is funded by the Government of Western Australia through the Department of Communities and the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. KickstART is also sponsored by Lotterywest and the City of Perth.

All enquiries can be directed to

KickstART Virtual Partners