Voice to Parliament Referendum Resources
As the upcoming Voice to Parliament referendum is scheduled for Saturday, 14th October, we understand that some of you may be casting your first vote or seeking to gain a better understanding of the referendum process

Have your say to 'make space for culture' in City of Perth's survey!
City of Perth is joining forces with Town of Victoria Park, City of South Perth and City of Vincent to ‘make space for culture’ and want you to have your say in a landmark Artist Live/Work Needs Assessment Study.

Breaking the silence: What it means to be Indigenous and queer
Participants are being sought for a WA-first study exploring the impact of discrimination on people who identify as both Indigenous and queer. The research, led by Edith Cowan University (ECU) Pro-Vice Chancellor (Equity and Indigenous) Professor Braden Hill, is driven by the ‘silences’ connected to being LGBTQI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Intersex) and Indigenous – those within families, communities and particularly within policy and service delivery.