Calling film makers of all skill levels! Share your creativity and vision in a film no longer than 15 minutes based on the theme 'Exploring Culture'! Entries open 1 September and Close 1 November 2019.
Participate in filming workshop days to utilise professional equipment and learn from a practising film maker on October 5th and October 12th (registrations required) and come along to the final screening night on the 27 November for the ultimate viewing experience! There are two age categories for the film festival: 14 and under, and 12-25.
All the information needed regarding the film festival can be found in the information booklet at:
This booklet outlines the landmark(s) that must be included, the judging criteria, timeline and more! On the website you can also find the application form and photographic consent forms.
The Drug Aware Torchlight Youth Film Festival is proudly sponsored by Healthway, to promote the Drug Aware message, and Propel Youth Arts WA.