Win your artwork on the Drug Aware Tote Bag plus $500!
The competition’s purpose is to encourage young artists aged 12-26 to re-share a piece of artwork they have previously created on social media and to engage in the Drug Aware message. Artwork can be graphic design, illustrations, paintings or other forms of creative artwork they have designed.
To be eligible, young artists will need to aged 12-26 based in the Perth metropolitan area; re-share a piece of their artwork on their social media page, tagging @propelyouthartswa and hashtag #DrugAware #HealthwayWA and #creatingahealthierwa. Participants must also answer the following question: “What are your tips for looking after your health and wellbeing?”
Propel Youth Arts WA Inc and Healthway will pick a winner who will then be responsible for designing the Drug Aware Tote Bag. The Drug Aware Tote Bag will be printed with the chosen artist’s design and name and will be provided to all YCulture Metro 2022 program participants.
Entries close Saturday 29 July 2022
Drug Aware was established in 1996 as part of the state framework for educational strategies designed to address illicit drug use among young people in Western Australia. It is the first comprehensive ongoing program on illicit drug education undertaken in Australia.
Healthway has a partnership with Propel Youth Arts WA Inc to increase awareness and understanding of the Drug Aware message, create healthy environments and encourage behaviour change leading to good health.