Ria Maglinao


Ria Maglinao | Perth photographer + writer

I’m very big in connections- within yourself, other people, nature or whatever environment you are in. My work is mostly inspired by this. I aim to capture the beautiful connections that go unnoticed or write about them.

I’m also a huge traveller and have been collecting stories from my adventures ever since. However, during this isolation period my work has heavily shifted towards the moody vibe, after developing an appreciation for the mundane life! ✨

My products range from photo prints to framed poems and a combination of both!

I would put in the option for people to choose an image and an accompanying poem to match it with!

I have always been a writer from such an early age and when I was on my early teens I discovered that photography provides an excellent outlet to also tell stories.

I interned for Propel a year ago and it really changed my whole perspective of the art industry. Suddenly its no longer so scary to put myself out there because I know there will always be support and people who will believe in me and my fellow creatives.




Made by Manaia