Jacob Steenson Films


Jacob Steenson

I am a Freelance Videographer and Travel/Hobbyist Photographer.

My interest in camera's began when I realised how photos and videos both had the potential to ignite memories of holidays. At the age of 21, I decided to pursue a Bachelor of Creative Industries (Majoring in Film and Video) and completed my degree in 2017. During the course, I undertook several photo-based units and this is where my passion for analogue photography became apparent.

I will be offering different sized prints of my photographs.

The prints available for purchase vary from aerial shots of natural landscapes, to street/portrait photography captured on analog film.

After embarking on my first solo adventure throughout South-East Asia, I found myself drawn to new subject matter. Being exposed to communities who were living in such poor conditions lead me to considering Geographical Circumstance and the affect it has on ones life.

The act of capturing friends and family who I have travelled with has developed into a passion for capturing local communities and their immediate surroundings. I would like to continue to explore this theme within my work and hope to reveal the beautiful cultural differences that can be found in communities across the world.

