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Galup - Community Presentation on Zoom

Photo by Dan Grant.

Photo by Dan Grant.

Galup is an arts project about the history of Lake Monger in Perth created by Noongar-theatre maker Ian Wilkes and artist Poppy van Oorde-Grainger with an oral history from Noongar Elder Doolann Leisha Eatts.

There are two parts to the project, a theatre performance at the lake and a virtual reality (VR) work. Both will be launched in 2021. The project includes reference to a massacre at the lake.

At this meeting, the team would like to share information about the project with anyone that wants to know about it.

We would also like to invite anyone to give feedback by phone, email or survey afterwards either directly or anonymously.

We feel it’s particularly important to keep the Noongar community informed about this work and hear their thoughts due to the cultural significance of Galup (Lake Monger).

When: Thurs 13th August, 2020, 3PM-4PM (Perth time)

Where: Zoom Meeting link will be posted on this Facebook event page the week before.

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