Amateka series is a platform for Rwandan youth by Rwandan Youth. We hope that this space will help us continue our journey of learning about Rwandan history and culture & to hold ourselves accountable in making sure that we continue this journey. The history that we share with everyone will be co-created with you for the very purpose of learning, sharing and growing together.
Join us on a night of Rwandan Art & History for youth by youth!
Umubyeyi Clotilde
We would like to acknowledge that we will be meeting and holding this event on the stolen lands of Noongar country and the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation. We would like to pay our respects to the elders past, present and emerging and to all the First Nations peoples, including those who attend and contribute to this event. Sovereignty has never been ceded and treaties never signed.
On the 03rd, we will be having an event where we learn about Rwandan history and arts! We will also be watching the livestream of the Amateka Series Launch conversation together. We will also be watching the virtual panel and concert together.
Join us on a night of Rwandan Art & History for youth by youth!
Conversations, Virtual connections, Music & Food
Venue Accessibility Info:
1. The venue is wheelchair accessible
2. Gender neutral bathrooms are available.
3. This will be a sit-down event and Chairs with support will be provided.