COVID-19 Journal Entry #4: Simeon Neo

Simeon Neo was recently our Marketing Intern for Youth Week WA KickstART Festival 2020. She’s a photographer and writer who writes across multiple genres. Her short story A Bowl of Soft Boiled Eggs was published in Centre For Stories’ Wave After Wave collection of poetry and short stories. Simeon writes about her other hobbies and what she has been up to at home.

COVID-19 Journal Entry #4: Simeon Neo

Photo credit: Simeon Neo.

Photo credit: Simeon Neo.


Baking has always been a hobby of mine that enabled me to satisfy my cravings for desserts without having to break the bank and it’s a time when I can totally zone out focus on perfecting that New York Cheesecake or making sure the pavlova doesn’t sink. 

Since I’ve been in a perpetual writing slump since I left uni, I have now resorted to playing Sims 3 to let my imaginations run wild. From creating purple-skinned characters to crafting an entire backstory for my Sims, it’s a great way to waste your time in the most unproductive way.

Photo credit: Simeon Neo.

Photo credit: Simeon Neo.

Photo credit: Simeon Neo.

Photo credit: Simeon Neo.


I’ve developed into a little bit of a film and TV snob, carefully selecting films and TV shows that I feel are worthy my time. Netflix has finally answered our prayers and gifted us with Ghibli Studios’ most popular classics which is a blessing. I saw Spirited Away for the first time on Netflix and because My Neighbour Totoro was Bong Joon Ho’s most-watched film, I had to see it too. Plus, I’ve seen Bong Joon Ho’s Parasite three times within two weeks. I’m planning on a fourth watch without subtitles.



For someone who has deemed herself the queen of procrastination, I’m surprised at how productive I can be when given an indefinite amount of free time. I spent an entire day rearranging my very messy bookshelf for the first time in five years. Not only that, but I’ve also cleaned every single shelf on that two-metres tall bookshelf. Not a big achievement in any rate but my mom was pretty happy. 

Photo credit: Simeon Neo.

Photo credit: Simeon Neo.


I read my Bible at night and write in my notebook about my day and my reflections. I love the tranquillity and stillness of the night. It’s also the time when I’m most active.

Club Penguin. Photo credit: Simeon Neo.

Club Penguin. Photo credit: Simeon Neo.


With everyone stuck at home in this season, it’s now easier to meet up with friends through Zoom calls and with more frequency. It’s funny how we come up with funny ways to entertain ourselves, like turning out virtual makeup session into a live Instagram video. Or having an impromptu Barbie as Princess and A Pauper karaoke session to bring back the nostalgia. The latest of these is meeting up on Club Penguin Online and waddling around the island together.


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COVID-19 Journal Entry #3: Wanjie Song